Tangle’s diary – the canine companion’s guide to training for the Marathon des Sables

Friday 30th September (3km)
A pleasant surprise this, I never get taken for a run on a Friday morning. If I get a walk to the end of the water meadows I consider myself lucky. Despite everything I do for everyone round here, my needs feel like they’re bottom of the pile. We’re only out for 20 minutes but honestly, I’ll take what I can get these days.
Saturday 1st October (7km)
2 days in a row! Something’s going on round here. He must have been to the doctor and been told he’s too short and fat again. That really upset him last time.
Sunday 2nd October (3km)
3 days in a row!! Although slightly strange he’s taken to repeatedly sprinting up the same hill again and again. What a lot of puffing and groaning. It’s definitely the doctors. Or maybe my telepathic efforts and longing eyes are finally paying off. It’s only taken nine years…
Saturday 8th October (10km)
I don’t think in all the nine years we’ve been running together that we’ve ever been out for this long. Nice little morning’s outing up Chisbury Hill. Scary dogs up at the farm though. I stay close by his ankles, do a lot of barking and, as soon as I feel safe enough to go it alone, I sprint off down the lane in front of him. Never been a fan of collies.
Sunday 9th October (11km)
We cover some new ground today. Out along the canal, up the last past Tucker’s, all the way past Stype Manor, then across the Polesdon Estate almost to the A338. They put down a lot of pheasants. He reminds me they’re not mine, disappointingly I stay faithful to heel. Not worth upsetting him and being left at home.
Sunday 16th October (16km)
We go out TWICE today! Perhaps that’s because he went out for the whole day yesterday and left me at home – no explanation. Anyway, a lovely little saunter through Savernake Forest followed by a repeat of last Sunday’s run to Polesden, delightful! Weather’s turning chilly though.

Friday 21st October (14km)
Friday afternoon and we’re out running again – I’m sure he should be at work. He actually spends the first quarter of an hour on the phone talking about something reallyboring – sound like he should be doing something else. No matter – we run right through the middle of Polesden this time, the place is absolutely littered with pheasants and again I have to be on best behaviour. Apparently the get quite cross round here if I play with them… Find a bit of roadkill on the way home, delicious.
Friday 28th October (10km)
Not sure what happened last weekend but they all disappeared and I went to stay with my friends Ropley and Tarka, so I got my own exercise. This morning, we’re up and out VERY early – it’s dark when we go out, and stays dark for a long time. A muntjac jumps out in front of us in Stype woods and startles me. Too early for that sort of thing.
Saturday 29th October (16km)
Ralph comes out with us this morning which makes a nice change. It’s very peaceful when it’s just the two of us out together, but it’s nice to have a bit more chat. Ralph lasts an impressive hour before we meet Mummy & Laurie in Savernake Forest, he carries on and I stay with the family who are den building and throwing sticks for me – which is actually more fun…
Sunday 30th October (10km)
Something’s really got into him. He’s started wearing a baseball cap and funny long socks, frankly he looks ridiculous. Doesn’t do my cred any good on the Wiltshire circuit.
Friday 4th November (11km)
Another Friday, another dark start… and now he’s carrying poles! Not entirely sure what he’s trying to achieve with those, he keeps trying to march in step with them and nearly trips over them about 4 times, and then starts counting out loud as we run up a hill. I think he’s losing it.
Saturday 5th November (17km)
Decent outing today – I’m impressed. For the first time ever I’m actually a little bit tired when we get back. Mind you, straight through Standen and Polesden estates, pheasants everywhere and squirrel-tastic in the woods – I probably covered twice the ground he did (no change there then).

Sunday 6th November (10km)
He’s very committed, I have to say. It’s nearly 4pm before we go out today, it’s getting dark and he STILL wants to go out? Nice evening smells.
Friday 11th November (11km)
It’s very early, very cold and very dark. Personally I see no benefit in going out before the dawn chorus. Strong smell of fox up by Burridge Heath. I sense one’s about and give chase, furiously. He get’s cross with me and thinks I’m just barking at the moon. Idiot. It’s so cloudy we can’t even see the moon.
Saturday 12th November (11km)
Interesting outing today. He’s decided it’s a good idea to run to the steepest hill in the area and then run up and down in, over and over again. This involves a considerable amount of ungainly puffing and panting, especially the uphill sections. Luckily I’m smart enough to work out that he’ll carry on doing this until he collects his water bottle from the bottom of the hill; in the intervening half an hour I amble about contentedly, smelling the afternoon woodland smells and pursuing the occasional squirrel.
Sunday 13th November (23km)
What a lovely few hours. The sun’s out, I feel as fit as a flea, and we cover some nice new territory as well. I’ve got a sneaking suspicion he’s got a hangover – that’s definitely not my problem.
Friday 18th November (10km)
Cold. Dark. Yuk.
Saturday 19th November (13km)
Interesting little outing. We run all the way along the canal to Wilton and then he drops me off at the Loweth’s house. Not entirely sure what’s going on but I get to spend the rest of the day and night playing with my friend Merlin. We cover at least the same distance in the afternoon charging round the garden.
Sunday 20th November (19km)
He comes to collect me again – looking a bit puffed out, don’t think he’s come here via a direct route. We run home through Wilton and Bedywn Brail – beautiful on a cool autumn afternoon. I love it when the leaves change colour in these woods. I don’t think he thinks I care about these things, but I do – I’m a true aesthete at heart.
Friday 25th November (6km)
Dark dark dark dark dark AND the road up to Chisbury is basically a river the WHOLE way. I just don’t see the point.

Saturday 26th November (25km)
Oof. Quite a distance today. Up on to the Ridgeway past Starveall, the whole way along the top to Ham Spray. It’s just beautiful up there, wild and windswept – it’s a different country to the rest of the north downs. Chase a few pheasants but they really get some pace in the wind. Snaffle a near-entire discarded sausage roll on the Fosbury road – a VERY welcome snack. He’s carrying a whole rucksack of snacks and water, I’ve got nothing and I’m about eight times smaller than him – it’s not fair that I’ve got to fend for myself.
Sunday 27th November (15km)
I’m VERY tired this morning, and my paws are sore. He looks at me expectantly with his running kit on, I look at him from the comfort of my bed in front of the radiator and tell him – in the nicest possible way – to piss off. I’m staying at home today.
Saturday December 3rd (29km)
Back on the Ridgeway today and it’s beautiful. All the way to Coombe Gibbet and then home along the canal through Hungerford – lots of new smells but some slightly strange townsfolk out walking on the canal. Manage to snaffle a load of chunks of bread that a small child’s trying to feed the ducks with. Serves him right. Bread’s not good for ducks.
Sunday December 4th (14km)
I am nine human years old which makes me about 65 in dog years. Why doesn’t he understand that I just DON’T have the stamina to do these long outings two days in a row? What’s wrong with breaking it up over the rest of the week? I have no idea what he does Monday to Friday, but it’s almost certainly a complete waste of time. I refuse to leave my bed, again.
Friday 9th December (10km)
I thought he’d given up on these stupid Friday morning outings. Running by moonlight sounds lovely in theory but I haven’t seen the moon in months. The weather’s frightful.
Saturday 10th December (17km)
A nice little walk/run through Polesden today but it’s rather marred by his disturbing new sartorial habit of wearing his baseball cap back to front. He make up some excuse that it’s to stop it blowing off in the wind but it doesn’t wash with me. That, alongside his ‘look at me’ MdS rucksack with his water bottles poking out by his ears, completes a very unflattering picture. He looks like an utter berk. I try to keep my distance, pretending I’m running by myself.
Sunday 11th December (12km)
This is a nice change. Through Polesden and Standen again but on a WALK with the family – actually a much nicer pace and more time to enjoy the wildlife. I’ll lobby for more of these, plus the chat’s better when everyone’s out.

Saturday 17th December (18km)
I’m not sure why but he seems to be slowing up. We go out for a long walk, through Savernake, nice change of scenery and the family join us for a bit again. Much more my style, if I’m honest.
Saturday 24th December (15km)
He’s definitely slowing up. Another walk. Or perhaps it’s because it’s Christmas? Anyway, who cares – I’m agnostic. Christmas equals extra good leftovers for me. Lovely weather today, beautiful hoarfrost on the trees around Chisbury.
Thursday 29th December (28km)
OK perhaps he’s not slowing up – just having a little rest for Christmas. A proper work-out up on the Ridgeway today, and the weather is absolutely awful. We both get home, eventually, tired and very, very wet.
Friday 30th December (30km)
Bloody hell we’re out again. An absolute monster today, too far for me if I’m honest. Nina and Laurie come to meet up for the last mile or so along the canal, which is lovely moral support but frankly, I’m done for.
Saturday 31st December (22km)
You have to be kidding. HE’S going out again. I’M staying in bed. I can hardly move my back legs. I think he’s actually a bit worried about me. So he should be. It’s irresponsible putting me through this at my age.
Sunday 1st January (7km)
Feel better today. With a fit of New Year’s Day goodwill I join him for a gentle amble to Chisbury and back – I think he’s pretty tired today, there’s a lot of hobbling and shuffling. He then joins Nina and her girlfriends for a New Year’s Day swim in the pond… lunatic.
Tuesday January 3rd (26km)
The weather looks absolutely dismal today. I’ve got a sneaking suspicion of what’s coming up and I cower in my bed, pretending I’m not there. Very unlike me sort of behaviour, but it works and I get a day off.
Wednesday January 4th (19km)
A VERY early start and a VERY long walk – three hours! Pretty poor weather again but I’m much happier with the pace.
Thursday January 5th (32km)
We’ve gone down to stay with Nigel and Penny in Sussex and he’s decided it’s a good idea to go for a run along Camber Sands. It is a good idea. SO many delicious things to explore and eat, its amazing what small children drop. Not so keen on the sand in my paws though. After an hour or so Nina takes me home and we leave him out to the mercy of the wind and the rain. He re-appears, some hours later, looking surprisingly sprightly. I’m impressed.

Saturday January 7th (11km)
Home again and a nice, gentle afternoon loop through Bedwyn Brail. We’re meant to be running I think, but he’s more walking… These last two weeks have been tough for both of us.
Saturday January 14th (21km)
Mercifully no Friday this week. Out with the family again first for 20 minutes before they wave us off we head up on to the Ridgeway again and the weather is AWFUL. Howling gale, sideways sleet and rain – he’s got his stupid cap, gloves, fancy trainers… what have I got? Nothing. Wet paws and coat. I look at him forlornly as we pass the road off the ridge and down towards Shalbourne. He agrees (or relents) and we head home. Great minds.
Sunday 15th January (15km)
Weather still dreadful. He’s taken to trying out lots of different snack foods on our runs recently – fancy packaging and nice smells. Nothing for me though. I feel undervalued in this relationship sometimes.
Friday 20th January (7km)
Another dark Friday morning, bitterly cold too. Heavy frost underfoot – he’s all wrapped up but my paws can definitely feel it this morning. Heavy smell of fox on the way up to Chisbury. I make a LOT of noise about it. I do not like foxes on my patch.
Saturday 21st January (30km)
A very long outing today. I don’t think my legs can stand these sorts of trips, no matter how much I enjoy it. It’s a long climb up to Coombe Gibbet and an even longer slog back to Hungerford and home on the canal. At least there are more small children feeding bread to the ducks by the town bridge – that’s always a welcome snack (I still have to fend for myself, unlike him).
Sunday 22nd January (17km)
Only walking today – phew. A welcome change of scenery through Ramsbury and Littlecote and I get to play with my friends Ropley and Tarka again. Having had much time to reflect on the matter, these sorts of social walks are much more my thing.
Friday 27th January (7km)
Another cold, dark Friday. It would be nice to have some company on these outings more often.
Saturday 28th January AM (15km)
Another visit to Littlecote and Ramsbury – I do like that patch. Unfortunately on the way home, we meet one of our village locals and their great, hulking, braindead excuse for a Labrador – the sort which gives all of us a bad name. As we’re running past, it bounds over towards me – running straight under his legs and sending him flying. It’s as if he’s tripped over a bag of cement. He eventually lands, face and arms first, on the gravel, and doesn’t move. I know he’s OK – but only because of the steady stream of expletives and invective being directed towards the offending animal – which hasn’t even noticed. Our friendly elderly villager looks on, perplexed – and says with that condescending honesty one can only expect from pensioners “I think you tripped over my dog”. Eventually, he scrambles up, scrapes off the worst of the mud and gravel, and we carry on. Could’ve been nasty, that.

Saturday 28th January PM (10km)
After nice afternoon lounging in my bed, I notice he’s put his running kit on AGAIN. Has he forgotten we went out this morning? I refuse to move. Idiot. That fall this morning must have affected his memory.
Sunday 29th January (21km)
He’s out again early, I’m not. I need a holiday.
Friday 3rd February (8km)
This is a nice change – perhaps he’s read my mind? Friday morning, we meet a FRIEND (I didn’t know he had any running friends, perhaps it’s just taken this long to find one). Anyway I get to play with my friend Jess for half an hour, which is a very welcome change. Quick pace this morning – his new running pal Ben is a lot faster than him.
Saturday 4th February (12km)
He’s definitely read my mind. I should try this telepathy more often. We’re out with another friend today and I get to spend a delightful hour with Pickle – keeping to a brisk pace through Polesden and Bedwyn. Lovely.
Sunday 5th February (29km)
I think he’s hungover. We are very late out this morning and the pace is slow – he can’t really decide where we should go and we end up going round in circles around Oxenwood, taking wrong turnings into farmyards, and clambering over hedges that really weren’t designed for clambering over. The weather’s pretty grim too – a dank, misty afternoon where the cold really seeps into you. Not a vintage outing.

Friday 10th February (7km)
Another social outing with Ben and Jess – quick pace again. He looks pretty sore after we get home though – I hope he hasn’t overdone it…
Saturday 18th February (24km, bicycle)
He’s definitely overdone it. Something’s wrong here. No running or anything else this week, and now he’s going out on a family bike ride? Not sure why I’m not included. I’m not the injured one…
Sunday 19th February (40km, bicycle)
Once again, not invited. I don’t like this cycling malarkey.
Sunday 26th February (17km)
Hurray!! Having watched him limp around the house for the last fortnight, finally we’re out again… a very gentle pace, just along the canal to Crofton and back – but at least we’re out. I AM relieved.
Saturday 4th March (29km)
Back into my favourite patches along the Ridgeway – it’s been well over a month since we’ve been out this way. We’re both in high spirits, skipping along – I think that little break did us both good, actually.
Sunday 5th March (21km)
He’s really keen to get out today. Me – less so. I stick to the ‘family loop’ and head home with Nina and the boys after 20 minutes – that’ll do me for today.
Friday 10th March (10km)
It’s a VERY early start today, but there’s a springiness in the air, birds are singing, flowers are coming up – even the weather is better. This is what early morning outings should be like – none of that nonsense in the dark we’ve been doing for the past few months.

Saturday 11th March (40km)
Oof. I wasn’t quite expecting this sort of distance today. Nina very kindly comes and collects me in the car from Inkpen – without a second glance I jump in the back, grateful of the lift. I think I’m a half-marathon sort of dog, on reflection.
Sunday 12th March (17km)
A walk today – first half with the family. Light showers. After yesterday’s travails I stick very firmly with them – after an hour or so he carries on without us – he’s welcome to it.
Friday 17th March (5km)
He’s been away all week and no-one has walked me – boring. So it’s nice to get out for a little amble, feels brief though today?
Saturday 18th March (51km)
Ah – that’s why. It’s all calm as we head out at 10am this morning – but I know this is no ordinary run when we turn left before Coombe Gibbet and start heading through the Buttermere Estate into deepest darkest Hampshire… It’s beautiful – but feels a long way from home. It’s slippery too, and he falls over – again – and cuts himself.
Cue more swearing, but I’m used to that now. Nina and Laurie eventually meet us in Linkenholt – nice village that – and I’m all too happy to bow out. It’s hot today, as well. Nina patches him up and we wave him off. Three and a half hours later, he returns… I am, for once, actually impressed – and relieved I’m not with him.
Sunday 19th March (13km)
Not much surprises me these days, but I raise an eyebrow when he puts his running kit on this morning and declares we’re heading out again. Nina and the boys are getting ready too, which cheers me up no end though… better conversation and a slower pace beckons! A lovely amble through Chisbury woods, he then carries on whilst I stick very close to the family. I don’t even dare to give him a second glance – half an hour is plenty for me today.
Thursday 23rd March (8km)
Nice to be out on a Thursday – not sure what the occasion is! It’s a nondescript, drizzly morning but despite the weather, we bound along up Chisbury Hill and down the other side. Then we do it again. And again. Not sure what’s going on here, I thought he gave up all this nonsense ages ago…
Friday 24th March (9km)
Weather much better this morning. Just a little jaunt along the canal and up to Great Bedwyn, have a bit of a face-off with a large and ferocious looking swan. They’re an altogether different proposition to the Canada Geese we usually see along here, which are all cowards.
Saturday 25th March AM (17km)
What a gorgeous morning! I have a real spring in my step today PLUS my friends Ropley and Tarka are staying. We all go out together, a happy pack. The daffodils are out, spring is in the air and we run contentedly through Stype and Polesden estates before heading home along the canal.
It’s not in my nature to be smug, but I am evidently super-fit. The two spaniels – much renowned for their speed and endurance – are struggling by the 10km mark. Poor old Ropley barely makes it home, whilst even Tarka the youngster is staying close to heel as we reach the final stretch. I stride out in front, effortlessly. No need to say anything.

Saturday 25th March PM (17km)
He obviously enjoyed this morning as much as I did… he’s going out again! I think he’s got over-excited about all this. At my age, I can exercise discretion and prudence – and I know when to stop. These skills remain beyond him, I think. I stay at home. So do the spaniels. They’re flogged.
Sunday 26th March (32km)
He’s definitely over-excited about spring. Up and out on the Ridgeway this morning, just me and Tarka today. Crazy, that one. Thankfully Nina and the boys meet us at Coombe Gibbet and we’re both in the back of the car before you can say ‘cats’.
Friday 31st March (10km)
A gentle little lap round Polesden this morning, nothing too strenuous. The spaniels are still with us but it’s still just me and Tarka out. She’s a little more sensible, today. Think the penny has finally dropped about the hare and the tortoise…
Saturday 1st April (18km)
The three of us enjoy a change of scenery this morning, over to Ramsbury, round Littlecote, and back through Cake Wood. Very pleasing although he get’s his map-reading wrong and we have to run back the last half mile on the A4. That is NOT a pleasant experience. We are very well behaved, sticking close to heel whilst lorries and cars career past us. Don’t think we’ll do that again.
Sunday 2nd April (7km)
Surprisingly gentle for a Sunday. Not sure why that is? Anyway, weather’s lovely. Just the two of us again, the spaniels have gone home. Boot camp, they called it.

Friday 7th April – Sunday 9th April (12km, 15km and 10km, Alderney)
Now it’s my turn to go and stay with the spaniels. They’ve all gone away for the weekend and left me behind. We have a lovely time but suffice to say we don’t cover the ground that I’m used to.
Friday 14th April – Sunday 16th April (7km, 7.5km, 8km – heat chamber acclimatisation)
They’re away again – but this time with me, at least. Staying with Nina’s parents – very spoiling as ever. Something is DEFINITELY up here, though. He puts his running kit on, faffs about a lot (per usual, pre-running) and then goes – without me. Three days in a row. Comes back looking like a lobster. He’s definitely exerting himself, keeps talking about 40C temperatures and desert acclimatisation. It feels like we’re at the business end of something here and he’s not involving me…
Monday 17th April – Thursday 20th April
I can just feel it. When he’s at home he’s pretty much permanently in his tracksuit, he keeps packing and re-packing his running rucksack (looks a lot bigger than it’s ever looked in training…) – but no running. No walks. Nothing involving me?
On Tuesday he comes home telling us he’s had a pedicure to protect his precious feet. What about my paws? AND I have to go barefoot… On Wednesday afternoon I deliberately drag my bed into the middle of the hallway, so everyone has to walk literally over me to get anywhere. My best pleading eyes are on display every time he walks past. I get a few strokes every time he walks past, but not much else.
I can sense – I just know it – that all the running we’ve been doing together over the past seven months is about to culminate in something, without me. There’s a sense of inevitability in the air.
But I’m a sensible dog. I think I’m better off at home rather than going to this stiflingly hot and sandy place he keeps on talking about. Sounds too hot for my paws. But I hope he misses me.